Sunday, April 29, 2018

Color Purple Blog Posr Assignment

         Throughout The Color Purple there are several differences between the movie and the book. These such differences are put into place because over the movie would not give the reader the reader the overall feel of the book. Firstly, one major difference is the structure of the book. In the book the store is broken into different letter, and Cellie writes mainly to God. In the movie it just goes into her life with a simple narration. Another difference would be the in depth relationships the book gave that the movie failed to do. Such as the book explained deeply into the relationship between Cellie and Shug. The movie shows this but fails to portray the details that were needed to show the importance of there relationship.
        Secondly, the narration of the story would play a key role in the difference of the story and novel. In the book the reader would be able to understand Cellie more in depth. But the vague narration did not show many details that the boom showed. Also the movie portrayed Shug with less importance as in the novel. In the story Shug was portrayed as a strong woman with little feelings, but the movie showed she did have feelinhs when she tried to please ber father who did not approve her lifestyle. Lastly, the transformations some charachters faced such as Albert was not showed towards the end. He positively changed and the movie failed to display his transformation.
         In conclusion, the novel The Color Purple will always be one of the greatest works of African American Literature. One major theme throughout the novel was transformation. In the beginning of the novel Celie dealt with self esteem issues and had little education. She also had little control over the life she lived. As the story continued she finally started to realize the importance of becoming a woman. She realized she did not have to stay stuck under Mr., and became a successful charachter in the book. Also Albert had a complete transformation himself. He went from trying to control Cellie and a person who could do no work, to a man who worked his own farm and cleaned his home. These are very important aspects in the development of his charachter. Lastly, the transformation the charachters underwent helped the reader understand that sometimes change can be for the better, and Cellie benefited from her troubled past.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Letter to Ralph Ellison

Dear Ralph Ellison,

Your novel Invisible Man has become one of the most remarkable books in society today. The profound content and themes of this story has truly made others realize and understand what it means to be invisible. Im a society of inequality and hate, there are still many people who are in the world today that are invisble. In the time period you wrote this book, many African Americans were invisible the majority in our society. Even those that tried to make the white man happy, still were looked at as jokes. One remarkable quote from your text came from the prologue which stated "I am invisble, understand, because people refuse to see me." This quote was so important to the overall message of the story because it helped one understand what invisble means, and what it meant to you when ypu wrote this story. This quote alone helps the story continue to remain relevant even today because many people are still being unrecognized and unheard of. Another important quote in the story came from the first chapter which stated "About eighty-five years ago they were told that they were free, united with others of our country in everything pertaining to the common good, and, in everything social, separate from the fingers of the hand. And they believed it. They exulted in it. They stayed in their place, worked hard, and brought up my father to do the same." In this quote it reallt made me understand a deeper meaning into the word invisible. Once the majority realized they could no longer enslave people, they changed and tried to seperate people. The problem was many did not resist this and basically continue to live their daily lives. But the problem is they were not free. They were still in the control of others. This still exists in society today, but the word Freedom is used to cover this up. We are free from enslavement, but we are not free from racist and prejudice people, and the inequality that still exists in society. This book will continue to open the eyes of many readers for many years to come. The relevance and the importance of this book has made it into a true classic novel!


Katore James

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Invisible Man Chapter 7

1. The vet uses a metaphor when giving advice to the narrator. He is basically telling thr narrator to live his own life and make the best out of it and that he should not suck up to making whites happy. Basically a way to play the game without doing too much.

2. The vet tells the narrator to be his own father so he can get opportunities and guide his own life. He also gives him advice to stop following others and take his own lead and create his own opportunities. This is important because it would help him live his own life without someone guiding him.

3. The allusion of being Jonah in the belly kf whale is alluded to. As the narrator goes to a new city is thrown off by how much is going on and needs guidance to decipher what is going on.