Monday, February 13, 2017

Blog Assignment #11

Dear Advice Column,

My name is Grant and I am a school teacher here in Bayonne. A couple of weeks ago store owner Mr.Groupè was killed during a store robbery. Jefferson was with two strangers named, Brother and Bear, who needed money. While in the store the two brothers decided to rob Mr.Groupè. Mr Groupè was shot and killed during the robbery by one of the brothers. Jefferson stood there not knowing what to do. He then drank some of the liquor and stole money from the cash register. As he was leaving two white men saw him and called the police. Jefferson then went before a judge. During his trial the state prosecutor called Jefferson a "hog". The jury found Jefferson guilty and he received the death penalty. After the trial, Jefferson's nana pleaded to the sheriff and judge to allow myself to talk to him and make him a man before his execution. I was not excited about this and I really did not know what I would say. The first visit was me and Ms. Emma. Jefferson laid there still on the bed. Ms. Emma cooked him a basket of food and attempted to talk to him and all he said was "what's the point?". As he knew none of this mattered. One day while visiting alone I took Jefferson some more food. He asked if I had bought corn because that's what hogs eat. He then proceeded to get on his knees, put his head in the bag and started to eat like a hog. I really do not have a clue on what else to do. I tried talking to him but it does not seem to be working. I am writing to the Advice Column to figure out my next step.

Sincerely, Grant

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 10

Chapter 5

1. The church is the meeting place for Grants' class. Grants' students ranged from six years old to thirteen. In his class his students often recited bible verses, and his desk was used as a collection table by the church in Sunday.

2. Why does the school only meet for five and a half months ?
Grant was originally supposed to teach for six months out of the year. Due to the children having to work in the field school was only five and a half months.

3. Why does Grant go into so much detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed ?
Grant goes into so much detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed because he is trying to prove a point. He is trying to tell them them that someone just like them will be killed for making little simple mistakes like the boy who was playing with the lady bug. Grant also went into detail to try to make them feel the way he is feeling about the situation.

4. What news does Mr. Farrell bring to the class ?
Mr. Farrell brought the news the Mr. Pinchot wanted to meet with Grant by five that evening. Mr. Farrell claims he did not know anything but Grant knew he did and knew what Mr. Pinchot wanted to meet with him about.


"I'd have to buy it." "The school board doesn't give it away. They already gave me what they said was enough for the year. They're not giving us any more. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

In this quote Grant is extremely frustrated with one of his students about the usage of chalk. Prior to Grant going to school that morning his aunt was not speaking to him. She ignored him at all costs. Grant became frustrated and allowed it to carry on to his job. This quotation also shows that they are poor and to to the time period they where not getting much from the school board. This relates to some contemporary issues as well with certain schools not getting the resources they need to be successful.

" Do you know what is going on in Bayonne?"

Grant is talking to his class when he mention this quote. Grant can mean many things when he states "Do you know what is going on in Bayonne?". Firstly, he can be talking about the situation with Jefferson. Grant has become overwhelmed with all that has been asked of him to do for Jefferson. Secondly, he can be talking the issues that he faces on a daily basis in Bayonne. Although he is now educated he is still treated as any other black persons in Bayonne.

Chapter 6

1. Where has Grant gone ?
Grant has gone to Mr Pichot's house because he was scheduled to meet with him at five.

2. Where does he wait ?
He waited in the kitchen talking to Inez, the houses' maid who was in tears about Jefferson.

3. Why does Etna make Grant reach in order to shake hands ?
Etna makes Grant reach to shake her hand because she had already had her hand out and she wanted Grant to reach for her hand because he remained seated.

4. Skip

5. How did Grant act that was assaulting to the white man?

Grant was acting "too smart" for the white man. As Grant sat there all alone the fat white man kept smirking and laughing. When Grant made a smart reply to Guidry the white man did not like his response.


"About two and a half hours, sir, I was supposed to say not long and I was supposed to grin; but I didn't do either."

In this quotation Grant is expressing his frustration with Mr. Pinchot and the men there. Jefferson was supposed to have a meeting at five that evening with Mr. Pinchot, due to Mr: Pinchot doing other things he did not get to meet with him until after seven. Jefferson stood in one spot the whole time he was there. He refused to eat the food the maid cooked, or drink anything she offered. Grant did this to show that he would not compromise his morals for anyone. He also did this to make a statement that he did not need anything from Mr. Pinchot

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 9

1. How did Henri Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" reflect the plot narrative ?

Henry Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" changed the plot narrative in many ways. So far through the story the reader knows that Jefferson was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But with Mr. Henri adamantly just saying he did do it changes things up. This leaves the reader to wonder if the judge knows more then a the audience does. All in all Pichot's insistence shakes the plot surrounding Jefferson's story.


Grant meant a number of things when he said she was looking at him. He knew all along that Miss Emma was not serious about him not going to the jail. She was still scared and frightened herself. Although she kept looking at Grant she was not seeing how Grant really was feeling about the situation.


The back door of the plantation house symbolizes many things to Grant. When he was younger he and his aunt used to always go through the back door when his aunt worked there. This was due partly to racial preferences. This hackles Grant not because he had become so well educated that he still now has to use the same back doir he had to go through years ago.


Miss Emma prevails on Henri Pichot in an emotional way. She kept saying over and over again " I have done a lot for this family and this place Mr. Henri." This shows that she has worked very hard for his home and his family. This also shows that she just want something in return for all the work she has did for Mr. Henri. Even as Mr. Henri began to walk away she kept pleading.

Chapter 4


The mention of the slaughterhouse for hogs echo many things on the public defenders is explanation of  Jefferson. This shows that the public defender believes that Jefferson should be slaughtered as well like the hogs get slaughtered at the shop. She also does not think anything more of  Jefferson than being a hog. All in all this echo's many ways the public defender feels about Jefferson.


Grant feels compelled in may ways to leave and go somewhere else and live. He wants to move and get out of the situations he is going through. He is tired of the unfairness and many other things that are hindering him. But he also feels that he has a purpose. That is that he knows he can help Jefferson in someway but he does know how. He also stays there for Vivian because he loves her so much. Although Jefferson wants to move on his ties with love and helping others stops his urge to leave right away.

Chapter 3 Quotation 

" I done a lot for this family and this place Mr. Henri." - Chapter 3 pg. 21 


This Quotation relatates to the theme that when you do certain things people should be understanding of  one and be willing to give. Miss Emma had did many years of work and labor for Mr. Henri and all she wanted was one little thing. She wanted Jefferson to go to that chair as a man and not a "hog" as the prosecutor called him. This also relates to the begging of  Jefferson's attorney to the jury to spare him and understand his situation. In conclusion this quote relates to the theme to show that even after one may work so hard they still have to beg.


This is quote characterizes Miss Emma. It characterizes her to show that she really cares about Jefferson. It also shows that she believes she is worth of what she is asking for. After all the years of work for the family and home she believes that someone being able to talk to Jefferson is beneficial to her. In conclusion this summarizes Miss Emma by showing she was caring, emotional, and risk-taking to help make a change to Jefferson.

Chapter 4 Quotation 

" I want to go now and I want you to go with me." - Chapter 4 pg. 30


This quote does symbolize the lack of freedom for the black people. Grant was fed up about everything that he was going through and he just wanted to leave. He had become too educated to still be treated the same way his ancestors were treated for many years. This relates to the Civil Rights movement between 1954- 1968 in which blacks weee tired of being treated unfairly. Many blacks sought refuge such as taking the Underground Railroad to get to the Notth during the period of slavery. In conclusion this quote relates to the trying times of blacks wanting to leave home when things got tough.


This quote relates to many contemporary issues that are going on today. In Syria many refugees are wanting to get out of their towns and homes because of the rapid spread of terroism. In some parts of America human sex trafficking is taking over the lives of woman and young teens. Also in rapid increase in police brutality and police shooting of blacks has sparked an outrage between the police and the citizens of the U.S. Many muslims and people from countries affected my President Trump's travel ban are now wanting to get back home more than ever to get out of their situations. In conclusion, this quote relates to many contemporary issues that are affecting the world today.