Sunday, August 27, 2017

Women in Medieval Society

    In Medieval society the role of women and the way they lived were alike and different from those during contemporary times. The women during Medieval times often played a secondary role behind the men in society. Many women did not have the traditional contemporary roles. This was due to the way women were viewed during this time period. With accusations stemming from the Original sin in which Eve took the apple from the tree and ate it. Many believed it was Eve whom which resulted in man being expelled from paradise. Therefore, men felt women were inferior to them. In some cases women's roles were only to procreate. One of the main jobs of the wife was to provide food and work on the land for the family. Also in urban areas women sold products of beading and sewed materials. Women also fell victim to working harsh hours to provide for their families. Women made much less than men so they had to work much longer to provide. Additionally, many women were nuns and had been married to the church. Most women either had to marry or take the vow of a nun. There was also an age gap between the wife and husband in Medieval society. Often the woman's protection came from how well they took care of there husband in their last years. After they lost their husband the woman was left with all responsibility of the household. Many peasant women had to work in the fields, make food in the bakery, and tend to their children at home. Some women often worked with their husbands in the field to help out as needed. A symbol associated with women is the distaff. Which is a tool used for spinning flax and wool. In Medieval times an artwork of Eve with the distaff represented women working in the fields after the fall from paradise. Lastly, in Medieval society there were far more greater peasant women than royal ones. Those royal women often spent their lives locked inside a castle with servants doing there work. During times of childbirth servang women often cared for royal women. There were many complications with birth during these times so many women often lost their lives. In conclusion, the roles of Medieval women during the middle ages still relate to many roles of today. Many women still get paid less than men, many men still looks at women as inferior people to them, and women still struggle to hold power in modern day society.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Chaucer's Summary

    Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the most famous and admired poets of the fifteenth century. He is most known for his friendly poetic nature and his understandings of human diversity. Although many have portrayed him as the "father of English Literature", literature was around before his time. However, he is credited with many english literature firsts such as, the first novel written in modern sence in the world. Additionally, many has associated his career into three stages which are, french influence, Italian tendencies, and English realism. Chaucer's writing style is also unique because of his ability to apply the human nature to supernatural things. Chaucer also writes from a wide variety of ancient authorities to contemporary poets. On the poetry side his works range from short conventional lyrics to confessions. A major theme of Chaucer's poetry is contrasting authority with that of real life and testing the expected with the actual. The reasoning behind this is because Chauncer was able to bring out more intellectual thought from his readers. His famous writings of The Canterbury Tales, is centered as one of the best comedies of today. This collection is also one of Chaucer's most imaginative collections. Finally, the works of Chaucer left a foundation for many famous English Literature writers after his time.