Monday, January 15, 2018

Emily Dickinson Quotes

1. "Forever is composed of nows.'
- Forever is composed of the circumstances and situations that occur now in ones' life. Forever will be shaped by the present, which is now.

2." That it will never come again makes life so sweet."
- Our time here on earth will never come again, that makes it worthwhile. It is sweet because we have one life to do everything we are destined to.

3. "If i can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."
- If I can help change at least one life, my time here on earth will not be in vain. If I can make a difference here on earth, I will not live in sorrow.

4. "If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry."
- If she ready a book so good that it touches her, nothing can move her away from that feeling. She knows what real poetry is like.

5." This is my letter to the world That never wrote me."
- Emily Dickinson is saying this is my work i have given to the world, but i have yet received anything back from it.

6."Saying nothing sometimes says the most."
- Silence can be so powerful at important times. Sometimes not saying anything at all is the beat way to respond to certain situations.

7." I dwell in possibility."
- She lives in the possibility of things that may happen or be the case. It basically is an inevitable circumstance.

8."Nature is a haunted house--but art-- is a house that tries to be haunted."
-Emily Dickinson is trying to say nature is a haunted house because it is composed of so many different spirits and feelings. Art is a house that tries to be haunted because it is a replication of something and not the actual thing.

9."Parting is all we know of Heaven, and all we need of hell."
-Emily Dickinson is saying by dying is all we know to get to heaven. She also is saying that dying is all we need of the hell we live in, in our lives.

10." I have been bent and broken, but -I hope- into a better shape."
- Emily Dickinson is saying that she have been hurt and completely heartbroken in life, but her hurt is making her into a better person.

11. In this short life
      that only lasts ah hour
      how much-how little-is
      within our power."
- Emily Dickinson is saying in this short life we have that does not last long, how much is within our power to live to the fullest. How little of an effect will we have.

12. "Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon."
- Emily Dickinson is trying to say whenever you do something for the first time, it brings out the troubles of doing that particular thing. Since its the first time one would not know what to expect.

13. "To shut your eyes is to travel."
- Emily Dickinson is trying to say when you shut your eyes, you begin to travel and dream. Therefore, when you close your eyes you dream the impossible.

14. "Open me carefully."
- Emily Dickinson is saying open her carefully because she is fragile. Therefore, open her carefully because she has been hurt in the past and need caring hands.

15. "Till I loved I never liked enough."
- Emily Dickinson is saying until she fell in love with something, she never liked other things enough.