Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Blog Post Assignment 10

Chapter 5

1. The church is the meeting place for Grants' class. Grants' students ranged from six years old to thirteen. In his class his students often recited bible verses, and his desk was used as a collection table by the church in Sunday.

2. Why does the school only meet for five and a half months ?
Grant was originally supposed to teach for six months out of the year. Due to the children having to work in the field school was only five and a half months.

3. Why does Grant go into so much detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed ?
Grant goes into so much detail about the process by which Jefferson will be killed because he is trying to prove a point. He is trying to tell them them that someone just like them will be killed for making little simple mistakes like the boy who was playing with the lady bug. Grant also went into detail to try to make them feel the way he is feeling about the situation.

4. What news does Mr. Farrell bring to the class ?
Mr. Farrell brought the news the Mr. Pinchot wanted to meet with Grant by five that evening. Mr. Farrell claims he did not know anything but Grant knew he did and knew what Mr. Pinchot wanted to meet with him about.


"I'd have to buy it." "The school board doesn't give it away. They already gave me what they said was enough for the year. They're not giving us any more. Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

In this quote Grant is extremely frustrated with one of his students about the usage of chalk. Prior to Grant going to school that morning his aunt was not speaking to him. She ignored him at all costs. Grant became frustrated and allowed it to carry on to his job. This quotation also shows that they are poor and to to the time period they where not getting much from the school board. This relates to some contemporary issues as well with certain schools not getting the resources they need to be successful.

" Do you know what is going on in Bayonne?"

Grant is talking to his class when he mention this quote. Grant can mean many things when he states "Do you know what is going on in Bayonne?". Firstly, he can be talking about the situation with Jefferson. Grant has become overwhelmed with all that has been asked of him to do for Jefferson. Secondly, he can be talking the issues that he faces on a daily basis in Bayonne. Although he is now educated he is still treated as any other black persons in Bayonne.

Chapter 6

1. Where has Grant gone ?
Grant has gone to Mr Pichot's house because he was scheduled to meet with him at five.

2. Where does he wait ?
He waited in the kitchen talking to Inez, the houses' maid who was in tears about Jefferson.

3. Why does Etna make Grant reach in order to shake hands ?
Etna makes Grant reach to shake her hand because she had already had her hand out and she wanted Grant to reach for her hand because he remained seated.

4. Skip

5. How did Grant act that was assaulting to the white man?

Grant was acting "too smart" for the white man. As Grant sat there all alone the fat white man kept smirking and laughing. When Grant made a smart reply to Guidry the white man did not like his response.


"About two and a half hours, sir, I was supposed to say not long and I was supposed to grin; but I didn't do either."

In this quotation Grant is expressing his frustration with Mr. Pinchot and the men there. Jefferson was supposed to have a meeting at five that evening with Mr. Pinchot, due to Mr: Pinchot doing other things he did not get to meet with him until after seven. Jefferson stood in one spot the whole time he was there. He refused to eat the food the maid cooked, or drink anything she offered. Grant did this to show that he would not compromise his morals for anyone. He also did this to make a statement that he did not need anything from Mr. Pinchot

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