Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"Never too late for that first long distance hike" : http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjd4ubBhvzOAhUhJ8AKHWagBu0QFggcMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pcta.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F10%2FNeverTooLateApril2010.pdf%3F884c9e&usg=AFQjCNEEr16RsgQQO6ficUOnU_unyeDbRg&sig2=or-nV2nbeLgXnauvkSHMcg

"Never too late for that first long distance hike"
3 Interesting Things:
1. Along the PCT there is a place called "Hikerstown" where hikers can shower, restock on water, and get other necessities needed for the hike.
2. "Waterbill" Moore hiked the trail with inspiration from his dads favorite quote which states "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step".
3. "Waterbill" Moore and his two friends completed section E of the Pacific Coast Trail which was one hundred and nine miles long.

2 Facts:
1. Read Miller, Glen Van Peski, and Bill "Waterbill" Moore found themselves in the middle of a fifty mile marathon of about one hundred and twenty runners.
2. "Waterbill" Moore lives in Vista, California where he recently retired from engineering. His hobbies include traveling, gardening, hiking, and helping to maintain the water source for PCT hikers at Barrell Springs.

1 Question:
Before completing the one hundred and nine mile hike what was the longest you had hiked before?

Objective Summary:
  Bill "Waterbill" Moore set out on his first long hike in 2005 with his partner Read Miller. The hike was an one hundred and nine mile journey of the infamous Mojave section of the PCT. The hike began on March 9th, 2005. They hiked through the Tehachapi Mountains, Gamble Springs Canyon, and the Cottonwood Canyon. When the reached "Hikertown" a place where hikers can rest, shower, and replenish on necessities "Waterbill" Moore had to suspend his journey due to sand causing blisters on his foot. Five weeks later there were back on the trail with an additional friend named Glenn Van Peski, a seasoned hiker. While on the hike they found themselves in the middle of an ultramarathon of about one hundred and twenty runners. They were given food, ice cream, and many more supplies to complete the journey. The last day of the hike was through dusty chapparral. Their hike ended in Agua Dulce with a cool shower in the Hiker facilities. "Waterbill's" dad gave him the quote that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". "Waterbill" Moore and his friends completed Section E of the Pacific Coast Trail which was an one hundred and nine mile journey.

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