Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7

Sorrow of War Questions

1. Do you all have certain surroundings that help you relive certain memories or flashbacks?
2. Do you feel you could write a novel about your life why or why not?
3. Why do you think kien felt were more "shadowy" than living ones?
4. Why do you feel the head of the MIA team told them that "if you can't identify them by name then we'll be burdened by their deaths for the rest of our lives"?
5. Why do you feel Pham begin to feel bad after he stabbed the Saigonese solider, and why did it effect him for many years ?
6.How do you think the sorrow of war in a soldiers heart is similar to the sorrow of love?
7. Why do you feel Quang became triumphant when he had the grenade in his hand ?
8. What series of events happened in order for kien to start believing in ghosts?
9. Why does kien feel they are all mired and shamed after listening to the stories?
10. Do you believe any of the war myths about the ghosts and spirit are true, why or why not?

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Blog Assignment 6

1. Do parents ever pressure their children to achieve ? Why do you think so ?

I believe parents pressure their children to achieve because, parents understand the struggles of being unsuccessful. Being unsuccessful includes going to jail, being poor, and not being able to make a living for yourself. In my own situation my parents are stern on me about my grades. I cannot bring below a C in my home. I understand this because my parents only want me to be successful.

2. What are some of the conflicts that parents and children have?

Conflicts that parents and children may have are school, money, jobs, and grades. Many of my friends grades have fallen because they have chosen to get a job during school. Their parents are not happy about this but they also need the money to pay for their fees. Also grades can be a major conflict because many kids in society believe in doing just enough to get by.

3. Do you feel that people can be anything they want to be ?

I do believe people can be anything they want to be. I personally pride myself of the quote "If you can believe it you can achieve it." If people put their mind to something and work hard to achieve it, their reward will be success. The problem is that it is not going to come easy. People have to be motivated enough to wake up every single day and tell their selves "I will be great today."

4. Do all conflicts have a winner ?

All conflicts do not have a winner. This is mainly because people are stubborn. Many people do not want to listen or consider what others have to say because they are one sided. Many people can not agree with other because their pride want allow them too. The American people see this everyday with our political parties. Republicans and Democrats cannot come to agreements because they are afraid that their reputation be shattered if they agree on what right. For example, gun reform will never be passed because people want put their morals to the side for change.

5. Compare your relationship with your parents to Chinese children's relationship with their parents in China.

My relationship with my parents are similar in some ways to Chinese parents. My parents are very strict about grades and hardwork much like Chinese parents. My parents also require me to put my education first much like Chinese parents as well. The difference is that my parents allow me to have freedom and fun. Many Chinese parents do not allow their kids to associate with some people or have any type of fun unless it is family. There is nothing wrong with that but kids may start to feel bored and start losing interest in there studies.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chapter 16 Quotations

"It was August 28. Her birthday. She'd have been fifty that day, if she'd lived." "She didn't live. She didn't get to be fifty. She would never be fifty." - Chapter 16 please p.g 264

1. Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

This quotation characterizes Cheryl's mother. Cheryl's mother died at the age of forty five. Cheryl's mother died of lung cancer, forty nine days after she was diagnosed with it. After the doctor at the Mayo Clinic got results back from there tests, they told Cheryl that she would be lucky to live a year. The doctor also explained that it was common to find lung cancer that late, and that the only thing he could offer was radiation to reduce the size of the tumors. This quotation characterizes Cheryl's mother by showing that she was sick. Cheryl's mother had reached a point of no return because the cancer was found so late.

2. Does the quotation indicate a conflict? If so, what conflict?

This quotation indicates internal conflict with Cheryl herself. Cheryl's mom died of lung cancer at the age of forty five. The doctors gave her at least a year to live, but she only lived forty nine days after she was diagnosed. Cheryl's was very close to her mom and after she died it really broke the family apart. While hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail, Cheryl thought about several memories with her mom. Cheryl then began to blame herself as part of the reason the family fell apart. In chapter 16 Cheryl stated "Dying at forty five had only been the worst thing she done wrong". Cheryl then began to make a list of all of her mother wrong doings to make herself feel better. Cheryl's stated that her mother failed. The conflict about this is Cheryl fought herself all of these years over the death of her mother, but out of nowhere begins to blame her mother for all of the things she didn't teach her.

"She was optimistic to an annoying degree, given to saying those stupid things: We're not poor because we're rich in love! Or when one door closes another one opens up!" - Chapter 16 p.g 266

1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?

This quotation relates to the theme of this story in many ways. One theme of this story is to fight through perseverance. Cheryl ran into many problems while hiking on the trail. One of the problems were her boots. The boots Cheryl had were too small and blistered her feet severely. While hiking on the trail one day one of Cheryl boots fell over a cliff. So she had to make due with what she had until she reached her next destination. Also Cheryl's backpack "Monster" relates to the theme. When Cheryl begin hiking the PCT she couldn't even lift the backpack of the ground. She always made a way to get it on her back and keep going. Cheryl continued to push on through all the aches and pain because she had a goal to accomplish.

2.Does the quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

This quotation characterizes how optimistic Cheryl's mother was in her lifetime. Cheryl's mother always looked at the positive side of things. When her mother states "When one door closes another one opens up" It shows that she felt like no matter what happens she still would make it. Even though Cheryl blamed her mother for being overly optimistic Cheryl used some of these same traits while on the trail. In tough to situations Cheryl would tell herself things like "I'm not afraid", and " I'd like to push on if there's a way". Overall Cheryl's mother being optimistic taught Cheryl to think about the positive side and less about the negative side.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Chapter 8 Quotation- Blog post assignment 4

"It's not safe for you to go alone" Doug said. "Neither one us would go alone", said Tom. " But it's not safe for any of us to go into the snow. Together or alone", I said. " We want to try it" said Tom. "Thank you," I said. "I'm touched you'd offer but I can't." "Why cant you". Doug asked. "Because the point of my trip is that I'm out here to do it alone." - Chapter 8, page 122

1. Does the quotation relate to the theme ? If so which theme, and how does it relate?

In my opinion this quote relates to the theme of this story. The theme of this story is no matter what happens or what you may go through to still push through. Even when Cheryl was going through drug addiction she still knew she wasn't really that person. Cheryl knew she had to overcome the things that hurt her. For example, when Cheryl lost her mom she knew she had do some of the things her mom taught her in order to preserve her legacy. When Cheryl stated "Because the point of my trip is that I'm out here to do it alone" she portrays the message that she is capable of doing the unthinkable. Cheryl knew the dangers of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail alone but she knew she could do it. Even on days she wanted to quit she told herself things like " I am not afraid", and she still pushed through. Cheryl also portrays self determination. Cheryl didn't want help from others, she was determined to do it alone.

2. Does this quotation characterize Cheryl, Paul, her mother, or another character? If so in what ways does it characterize?

The quotation "Because the point of my trip is that I'm out here to do it alone", characterizes Cheryl in number of ways. Firstly, it shows how fearless of a person Cheryl was. Even though Cheryl was scared about some things on the trail such as wild animals, she still told herself "I am not afraid". Cheryl understood she was a female, and that not many women hike the trail alone. Additionally, the quote characterizes Cheryl by showing determination. Cheryl was determined to finish the hike, even in some cases when she decided she would quit. Finally, the quote characterizes Cheryl by showing she was committed. Even though she was a woman, and was hiking the trail alone she was committed to finish the hike.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"Never too late for that first long distance hike" :

"Never too late for that first long distance hike"
3 Interesting Things:
1. Along the PCT there is a place called "Hikerstown" where hikers can shower, restock on water, and get other necessities needed for the hike.
2. "Waterbill" Moore hiked the trail with inspiration from his dads favorite quote which states "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step".
3. "Waterbill" Moore and his two friends completed section E of the Pacific Coast Trail which was one hundred and nine miles long.

2 Facts:
1. Read Miller, Glen Van Peski, and Bill "Waterbill" Moore found themselves in the middle of a fifty mile marathon of about one hundred and twenty runners.
2. "Waterbill" Moore lives in Vista, California where he recently retired from engineering. His hobbies include traveling, gardening, hiking, and helping to maintain the water source for PCT hikers at Barrell Springs.

1 Question:
Before completing the one hundred and nine mile hike what was the longest you had hiked before?

Objective Summary:
  Bill "Waterbill" Moore set out on his first long hike in 2005 with his partner Read Miller. The hike was an one hundred and nine mile journey of the infamous Mojave section of the PCT. The hike began on March 9th, 2005. They hiked through the Tehachapi Mountains, Gamble Springs Canyon, and the Cottonwood Canyon. When the reached "Hikertown" a place where hikers can rest, shower, and replenish on necessities "Waterbill" Moore had to suspend his journey due to sand causing blisters on his foot. Five weeks later there were back on the trail with an additional friend named Glenn Van Peski, a seasoned hiker. While on the hike they found themselves in the middle of an ultramarathon of about one hundred and twenty runners. They were given food, ice cream, and many more supplies to complete the journey. The last day of the hike was through dusty chapparral. Their hike ended in Agua Dulce with a cool shower in the Hiker facilities. "Waterbill's" dad gave him the quote that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". "Waterbill" Moore and his friends completed Section E of the Pacific Coast Trail which was an one hundred and nine mile journey.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Writing Skills

Over the course of this week I have discovered many flaws in my writing. Many of these flaws has been my writing mechanics. Writing  Mechanics are capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. I think I struggle with this the most because of the speed of my writing. I often write at a high speed in which I fail to realize I have made the most simple mistakes. My action plan to fix this problem will be composed of three steps. The first step is to slow down my writing speed. When I slow things down I tend to recognize more. The second step will be to proofread my writing to check for writing mistakes. Most of the time when I proofread I usually recognize mistakes that I have made. Lastly, my final step will be peer editing. When I usually don't see mistakes in my writing my classmates do. Once I have completed my steps I trust my paper will be free of mechanic issues.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Introduction Blog

Hello my name is Katore James. I am currently in the 11th grade at B.C Rain high school. This school year I will be in Mr. Rease's AP English class. I pride myself on leadership and hardwork. I don't believe in handouts and overall I believe if you work hard for something you will enjoy it more than something that is given to you. I was awarded the MCPSS "It starts with me" middle school student of the year award for my public service and hardwork in the classroom. I had also served as student council president and FBLA vice president for Davidson High School.  I currently play football for B.C. Rain High School where I serve as one of the team captains. My positions on the football team include nose guard, Left Guard, and Center. Other hobbies I enjoy doing are hunting , fishing, and racing  four wheelers. Last school year I made the Honor Roll every quater and I look forward to doing the same this school year. My short term goals are to graduate with a 4.0 GPA or higher, make 3 or better on the AP exam, and to get a scholarship to Auburn University. I plan to major in Business Administration, and minor in political science. I look forward to working with my classmates this semester in AP English to accomplish my goals and to help them accomplish their goals.